Liberty? Who needs Liberty?

Last week 20 world leaders met to discuss a great many concerns at the G20 conference.  What became clear is that the USA, “..the land of the free..” is no longer free.  Oh, we may look free, but in reality we are not.  The question becomes, are we working to be free again or are we happy in chains that allow us to continue to pretend we are free?

Let’s start with some basic facts.

  1.  Russia attacked the USA with fake news, propaganda and cyber warfare to help the current president win.  This is a fact backed up by every USA intelligence agency.
  2. The current president has done everything in his power to color item one so that many people believe it is a false statement.
  3. People will tell you that there is no evidence that the Russian attack swayed votes.  Of course if you are pelted with misinformation made just for you (times 200 million), it would be pretty hard to state no one was swayed.  Many were swayed.
  4. People will tell you that there is no evidence that the Russian attack CHANGED votes.  This is a bit trickier, but there is no evidence because no one looked for it.  No one thought to look for evidence that Jeffery Dahmer was a killer till they did.  Don’t let people tell you it can’t be done.  I believe it was and while it was a large scale, difficult effort, it is hard to believe they didn’t succeed to some extent.  Do not discount social engineering.
  5. The Republican party believes heavily that the minorities and the poor shouldn’t vote.  They enact strict voter ID laws that adversely affect the poor.  They enact horrible laws meant to kick people off the voter rolls, so they cannot vote. (You should read up on Chris Kobach and his operation Crosscheck.)
  6. Many, if not all, GOP members of congress were funded by Russian Oligarchs.  The downside of Super-PACs and dark money is the money from foreign governments that buy your politicians.

Meanwhile, the illegitimate president will tell you there was not contact between his campaign and the ANY Russians.  Meanwhile, here is the list of people involved with the dishonest campaign who have neglected to mention their meetings with Russian officials or emissaries:

  • Michael Flynn
  • Jared Kushner
  • Jefferson Beauregard Sessions
  • Paul Manafort
  • Roger Stone
  • Carter Page
  • Michael Cohen
  • Donald Trump Jr.

Each of these people lied about meeting with key Russian officials before ultimately “remembering” that they did.  In Kushner’s case, he lied to the FBI about it and left it off his security forms.  There were at least 3 different meetings, so spare me the “forgetting” bullshit.  It looks willful from here. Both of those are felonies.

Sessions lied when questioned under oath before the senate.  Oh, and he had multiple meetings that that he forgot.  Really?  If you believe that, I have some magic beans to sell you.

Over the last 3 days Trump Jr. has announced in the press he attempted to commit “treason” or at minimum a reasonable facsimile, but its ok, because he didn’t really do it.  He just tried.  Don’t take my word for it that comes from a legal scholar.

I don’t want to bore you.  Let’s make sure we are on the same page so far.

  1. The Russians attacked your liberty
  2. The current president says “nah uh, they are our buddies”
  3. Every top key player in the campaign met with Russians and then lied about it.

Cool.  I don’t think I need to remind you the current illegitimate president will yell that the news media (unless they are praising him), but has never, ever said a bad word about the Russian President, who is accused of killing journalists and adversaries.  It has only happened more than 20 times, so it could just be a series of coincidences.  (see:  magic beans above)

Now the Russian President assures our stupid, illegitimate president, that “nope, Russia no hack”.  And that is good enough.  It is too bad that Charles Manson, Bernie Madoff, and Al Capone didn’t use that defense.  Seriously people, will you starve while your magic beans lose their sparkle?

But we are not done.  We are going to start a cooperative task force with Russia to work on Cyber Security.  Seriously?  We they attacked us and we want to give them the keys to the kingdom?  They have nukes, but they do not have an army that could beat the USA’s without ending the world.  But your government wants to let them beat us electronically.  And you still be believe there was no conspiracy with Russians to win the last election.

Don’t call it collusion.  It was a conspiracy.  A criminal conspiracy. Don’t fucking normalize it.

Now, I know you are saying this is too far-fetched. Our leaders wouldn’t do this.  Let’s hit some more facts.

  1. Donald Trump defrauded Americans though his Trump University, though there was no “admission of guilt”. Common sense says otherwise.
  2. Donald Trump has paid fines for using his casino for continued money laundering
  3. Donald Trump has been fined more than once for discriminatory business practices
  4. Donald Trump has said that it is not illegal if the president does it (in regards to EVERYTHING)
  5. Donald Trump has lied about his wealth
  6. Donald Trump is obsessed with wealth
  7. Donald Trump uses Russian government talking points from RT and Sputnik in his speaches
  8. The number of Trump owned properties sold to untraceable shell companies has gone from 4% in 2015 to approximately 70% since the election (and that’s not suspicious either)
  9. The head of the government Ethics office resigned because of the continued unethical actions in the current administration. (Before you trash him as an evil liberal, Mr. Shaub was originally put into office by George W. Bush)

Compounding this is the efforts the right wing media go to normalize this.  Let’s call it what it is, propaganda.  Breitbart, Fox News, The National Enquirer all take a grain of truth and add a bit of misinformation mixed with the omission of key facts to get you to believe what they want.  The current agenda is that the corrupt Trump family is saving America and that Russia is our great friend and ally.  And 30% of the country not only loves this, they beg for more.  It sickens me because it is not about politics.  It is about crime and loss of liberty.  We can argue about left vs. right. Guns and butter.  That is not what this is.

I could go on and on.  But take two facts with you

Suddenly it is important to give the federal government all your personal voting information (including your social security number) and we need to give the Russians more access to our cyber security technology, what little there.

Trump wants to be king and you may not care.  Personally, I want to be free and these are the continued steps of turning the USA into a Russian (or Turkish or Venezuelan or Cuban or North Korean or Syrian) style autocracy.  If that’s what you want, please move there.

Here’s what I see coming

  1.  Elections will no longer be free.  They really are going to be rigged, like Russia and Turkey
  2. The movement to make the USA a Christian country will continue to gather momentum (and if I have to explain why this is bad for democracy, let alone wrong, we’ve already lost)
  3. Education will be for the rich.
  4. Healthcare is a privilege for the wealthy – sick people should wallow in their poor life choices
  5. The NRA will make strides towards a civil war, continuing to target liberals and people of color
  6. Our government will essentially become a monarchy.

So if you think you have liberty think again.  It is going fast.